There is nothing more powerful and inspiring than a wish made by a living Buddha
Clear as a diamond, Lama Ole expressed the wish to acquire our own place in Mexico City, something big, inspiring, and powerful.
A place where we could keep on growing and welcome more and more friends interested in knowing the true nature of mind.
He highlighted the relevance of our geographical location in the heart of the Americas, where so many regions meet.
This wish filled us with joy and purpose, now we can help this majestic city develop its full potential.

Mi casa es tu casa
The Mexico City Center is a home for our Lama. The sangha of Mexico City is vibrant, joyful, and guided by our Lama’s example. We have Lama Ole in our heart and practice diligently in our center.
We are a sangha that contributes from its surplus with joy and strength, with the firm purpose of achieving enlightenment so we can help others to reach ultimate happiness.
We are a sangha that opens its heart and doors to the world making everyone feel at home.
Friends from all around the world: our center is your center.

Where the connection and “buena vibra” happens
Our Lama’s powerfield has remained strong, expressing its activity and joy in our meditation center.
This place allows us to be connected. Here we find our Lama, his teachings, and our friends on the way. In this space we have the protection to understand that everything is a dream, so everything is possible.
Our strong passion, joyful inspiration, and unbreakable connection will make it possible.